Mysterious Snorkel Drownings Explained
Snorkelers may not be drowning in the way that you think they are. Rather than being submerged and inhaling water, in some cases a snorkeler’s lungs are filling with bodily fluids because of the snorkel itself. Are you at risk? Want to know more?
"I’m an experienced snorkeler. It was the first time I used a full-face snorkel. After about 10 minutes, I couldn’t get air. I surfaced and lifted the mask to breathe. I went back to snorkeling and it happened again. I have never used the mask again."
calm conditions
snorkeled over 20 times
“I started to feel very fatigued and was luckily close to shore. I then felt very light-headed and had to lay down for awhile because I was a bit nauseous. It passed in about 20 to 30 minutes.”
calm conditions
snorkeled over 20 times
“I was snorkeling with a friend. I stopped to talk with him for a moment. Within 30 seconds of setting the mask back on and putting my head in the water, I felt a severe shortness of breath, and immediately turned back towards the shore. I felt my strength dissipating very quickly, my calves were cramping, and I started to panic. I called for help, and the second time I did so, three men swam out to help me to shore.”
calm conditions
first time snorkeling
“About 20 yards offshore I was struggling to catch my breath. I was unable to call out or wave. I started to swim back in. My arms were leaden, couldn't free-style. About 10 yards from shore my heart was pounding in my ears. A wave pushed me to shore. I went unconscious. The beach attendant applied oxygen, which revived me. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance.”
calm conditions
snorkeled over 20 times
“Almost immediately after getting in the water I again felt the same sensations, almost flu-like nausea. As the group made its way back to the boat, I nearly passed out! I had a very hard time getting my thoughts together and experienced severe leg cramping. I took the mask off and tried to calm myself. I believe that if I had to swim more than another 25 feet I would have passed out. I completely believe that if I had not been as experienced and as strong as I am, I would have been dead!”
calm conditions
snorkeled over 20 times
While these findings are compelling, they are also preliminary. More rigorous studies are needed to verify the findings put forward in this report. Until that happens, agencies will be hesitant to adopt them into their programs.